The ocean is full of untamed magic. 🌊✨
It’s calm, it’s beautiful, infinite.
but, also-
angry, harsh, and vast.
It’s magnificent and magical, and mysterious.
Like a siren, I am constantly pulled to the shore’s edge in wonder and disbelief.
I was born and raised in Utah, a landlocked state with manmade bodies of water. I upped and moved across the world to Okinawa Japan, a beautiful tropical island with the Pacific Ocean on one side and the East China Sea on the other. I was 22 and no longer a single mom of a 3-year-old. I just remarried for the second time. I was sure I had it right this time. Only time would show me differently. However, as long as I can remember I wanted to be on beach, near the water, and just sit. Sit and breathe and think and just BE. Living on that island in Japan was paradise, it was beautiful and I miss it every single day like a piece of my heart is missing. That island was a lot of things for me- good and bad and I am eternally grateful I had the opportunity to experience it the way I did for as long as I did.
I will never need to be talked into going to a beach, the beach doesn’t even have to be pretty or warm. I will enjoy it just as much because it is a beach. It truly is a magnetic force and once there, toes in the sand my mind completely shuts down. It doesn’t think, it doesn’t compute a single thing. There is no stress, no worry, nothing. I am just there. I am feeling everything and nothing at the same time. I am free. I am happy. I am content. I am calm. And I am settled.
It doesn’t matter if I am on the beach in San Clemente or anywhere along the coast of California, the warm sandy beaches in Okinawa, or the cold beaches in Washington or Oregon, I am at peace. The same peace I have felt in the sand of Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Turkey, and the East Coast. Any beach will do, and they are all on my list to sit and breathe and think and just BE.
Haystack Rock Oregon